Test-drive Microsoft Outlook Express

To help yourself decide whether you want to make Microsoft Outlook Express your e-mail program, you can take it for a test-drive. Whether you're new to e-mail programs, or you currently use a different e-mail program, test-driving is an easy way to evaluate Outlook Express. If you're using another e-mail program, you can continue to use it during your test-drive; for example, you can receive the same messages in both programs. 

If you use any of the e-mail programs listed below, Outlook Express automatically imports your existing data, such as mail, contacts, and rules, without affecting your other e-mail program and its data in any way. You can always access your data from either Outlook Express or your other program at any time during and after your test-drive. Outlook Express can import data from any of these programs:

If you are using an e-mail program that is not listed above, you can import your contacts to Outlook Express after you begin your test-drive.

You can test-drive Outlook Express for as long as you like, and when you're ready, you can end the test-drive and continue using Outlook Express or return to your previous e-mail program. 

Things to know before you begin your test-drive

Ending the test-drive

Importing information from another program


Things to know before you begin your test-drive

You can continue to use your other e-mail program during your Microsoft Outlook Express test-drive. However, keep the following in mind when you switch back and forth between Outlook Express and your other e-mail program:

Importing information from other programs

Tips for users of other programs


End the test-drive
